The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community is a federally recognized Tribe that descended from bands of Peoples from the Skagit and Samish watersheds and Salish Seas (Coast Salish Peoples). The Swinomish Reservation is located adjacent to the Skagit River delta in the Puget Sound on what is now present-day Fidalgo Island in western Washington State.
The Swinomish Indian Tribal Community has been working on climate mitigation and adaptation efforts since 2007 when they passed a climate change proclamation to recognize growing concerns among Tribal members about the increasing severity and frequency of extreme events on the Swinomish Indian Reservation. The Swinomish Climate Change Initiative has led to a variety of projects including:
Swinomish Climate Change Initiative Impact Assessment Technical Report
Swinomish Climate Change Initiative Climate Adaptation Action Plan

Where is the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community’s Climate Work Highlighted in the Guidebook?
Step 1: Activity 1 – Select Climate Change Planning Approach.
Step 1: Activity 5 – Gain Tribal Leadership Support.
Step 1: Activity 8 – Engage External Partners.
Step 3: Activity 1 – Select Vulnerability Assessment Approach.
Step 4: Activity 2 – Identify Adaptation Actions.
Step 4: Activity 3 – Evaluate & Prioritize Actions.