The Karuk Tribe is a federally recognized Tribe with around 4,800 Tribal members. The Karuk Tribe still lives in its ancestral homelands along the Klamath River in what is now present-day Humboldt and Siskiyou Counties, California.
In 2016, the Karuk Tribe completed the Karuk Tribe Climate Vulnerability Assessment focused on the Tribe’s unique cultural relationship with fire. In addition, the Karuk Climate Adaptation Plan was published in 2019, which focused on a variety of systems including critical infrastructure, community health, and natural resources. The Tribe also completed the Karuk Tribe Eco-Cultural Resources Management Plan, which utilizes Traditional Ecological Knowledges supported by Western science.

Where is the Karuk Tribe’s Climate Work Highlighted in the Guidebook?
Step 1: Activity 1 – Select Climate Change Planning Approach.