Step 2. Identify Concerns & Gather Information

Identify the Tribe’s climate-related concerns and gather information from multiple perspectives to better understand the challenges and set the stage for assessing vulnerability and planning for action.

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Step 2 tribal Examples

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Activity 1: Gathering and Application of Relevant Traditional Knowledges

Build on the ways in which the Tribe may already incorporate Traditional Knowledges in Tribal planning or policy activities.

“These recent efforts are a continuation of the work our elders have done for years in observing and considering climate change on our lands.”

Guiding Questions

Helpful questions to consider during this activity.

Considerations for integrating and protecting
Traditional Knowledges during this activity.

The traditional practices and culture of the Tribe are often held in Traditional Knowledges (TKs) (Step 1: Activity 4). The Tribe may already incorporate TKs in Tribal planning or policy activities, but may not refer to them as “Traditional Knowledges.” Western science uses terms such as Traditional Knowledges and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) to describe how long standing generational Tribal knowledges are held, transferred, and applied within a Tribe, and when referring to Indigenous Science. These terms attempt to describe what Tribes already do without the Tribes labeling it as such. Identifying where and how TKs and TEK are already being applied can serve as a base to build on within the Tribe’s climate change adaptation planning process. 

Identify what TKs are already incorporated in the Tribe’s planning process or management systems, that the Tribe may not describe as TKs, but may be relevant to this western definition. Consider looking for things that may not be called TKs that the Tribe already does and that contain a wealth of knowledge that can be useful for climate adaptation planning:

  • Identify TKs that are already collected or stored within the Tribe’s cultural committee;
  • Identify information that may not have been used previously but could now be used (consider adaptations, patterns, ceremonial adjustments, additional foods, etc.); and
  • Identify what TKs are being utilized in ways that are not articulated or written (maintenance, sustainability practices, reciprocity rites, etc).

These TKs can be applied throughout the adaptation planning process as appropriate to help identify concerns (Step 2: Activity 2); gather evidence for observed changes (Step 2: Activity 3); conduct the vulnerability assessment (Step 3); gather adaptation actions, set adaptation goals, prioritize actions (Step 4); and define and monitor success of actions (Step 5).

Consider whether the Tribe needs or desires to collect additional TKs and what methods would be used. Collection methods may include formal or informal processes, or a combination of both, depending on how the Tribe prefers to proceed. Methods can include but are not limited to semi-structured interviews, free form conversation among Elders, talking circles, Tribal events, ceremonies, or other options dictated by the Tribe. Encouraging free form conversation with Elders and other Tribal members can bring up issues and topics of concern Tribal members know but may not be aware they know. Oftentimes it will take time for the depth of TKs to be revealed as it pertains to traditional culture. Each community is different and needs to cooperate to identify traditional aspects that need to be maintained, revitalized, and sustained through climate change adaptation planning.

Tribal Examples

See how two Tribes utilized interviews from Tribal Elders to learn more about experiences and observation of climate change.